南灣辛尼維爾(Sunnyvale)周一晚上6時半許發生驚險一幕,一輛私家車發生意外,卡在市內Mary Ave的加州火車(Caltrain)鐵軌上,當時385號北向火車正疾速開至。幸得兩名在附近執法的聖馬刁縣縣警臨危不懼,一人走上路軌試圖通知火車司機,一人奮力將私家車上的司機拖出車外,幾秒鐘後火車開過,將私家車撞倒,該名司機因警員相助保住性命。
A transit police deputy removed a driver from a vehicle just
before it was struck by a northbound Caltrain in Sunnyvale this evening,
according to a Caltrain spokeswoman.
Around 6:35 p.m. the vehicle was struck by northbound train no.
385 at the Mary Avenue crossing.
Just a moment before impact the deputy pulled the driver,
identified as a man in his 20s, out of the vehicle. That action that may have
saved the man’s life, according to Caltrain spokeswoman Jayme Ackemann.
The deputy had been responding to a call nearby prior to the
crash, according to Ackemann.
A video of the dramatic rescue has been posted online by Youtube
user karin Lizana, and is available at https://youtu.be/T3g0ZeWSSqM.
The incident resulted in delays of up to 45 minutes as trains
single-tracked through the area. Both tracks had reopened for service by 7:45
p.m., according to Ackemann.
Train no. 385 had to be cancelled due to equipment issues,
according to information posted on Twitter by @Caltrain_News.
Further details were not immediately available.